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Наиболее важные публикации по теме Программы
Материалы по солнечным и магнитосферным бурям октября-ноября 2003 г.
Solar Drivers of Interplanetary and Terrestrial
Disturbances, eds. K.S.Balasubramaniam, S.L.Keil,
R.N.Smartt, ASP Conference Series, 1996. V. 95.
Space Weather, eds. P. Song, H. J. Singer, G. L.
Siscoe, Geophysical Monograph Series, 2001. V.125
Proceedings of the Second Solar Cycle and Space
Weather Euroconference, 2002, ESA SP-477
Wang, Y. M.; Ye, P. Z.; Wang, S.; Zhou, G. P.;
Wang, J. X. A statistical study on the geoeffectiveness of
Earth-directed coronal mass ejections from March 1997 to
December 2000, // J. Geophys. Res. 2002. V.107. N A11
Zhang J., Dere K.P., Howard R. A., Bothmer V.
Identification of Solar Sources of Major Geomagnetic Storms
between 1996 and 2000// Astrophys. J. 2003. V.582. P.520
Magnetic storms, Eds. B. T. Tsurutani, W. D.
Gonzalez, Y. Kamide and J. K. Arballo// AGU Geophysical
Monograph 1997. V. 98.
Grafe A. Are our ideas about Dst correct? //
Ann.Geophysicae. 1999. V. 17. P.1.
Vennerstroem S. Interplanetary sources of magnetic
storms: A statistical study, // J.Geophys.Res. 2001. V.106.
Loewe C. A., Prolss G. W., Classification and mean
behavior of magnetic storms // J.Geophys.Res 1997. V. 102.
Gonzalez W.D., Tsurutani B. T., Clua de Gonzalez
A.L. Interplanetary origion of geomagnetic storms //
Space Sci. Rev. 1999. V.88. P.529.
Gosling J. T., The solar flare myth//
J.Geophys.Res., 1993. V.98. P. 18937.
Richardson I. G., Cliver E. W., Cane H. V. Sources
of geomagnetic storms for solar minimum and maximum
conditions during 1972-2000 // Geophys. Res. Lett. 2001.
V. 28 P. 2569.
Webb D.F., Cliver E.W., Crooker N.U., St.Cyr O.C.,
Thompson B.J. Relationship of halo coronal mass ejections,
magnetic clouds, and magnetic storms // J. Geophys. Res.
2000. V. 105. N A4. P. 7491
Crooker N. U., Solar and heliospheric geoeffective
disturbances // Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-
Terrestrial Physics 2000. V. 62. N 12. P. 1071.
Li Y., Luhmann J.G., Mulligan T., Hoeksema J. T.,
Arge C. N., Plunkett S. P., St. Cyr O. C., Earthward
directed CMEs seen in large-scale coronal magnetic field
changes, SOHO LASCO coronagraph and solar wind // J.
Geophys. Res. 2001. V. 106. N A11 P.25103.
Brueckner G. E., Delaboudiniere J.-P., Howard R.
A., Paswaters S. E., St. Cyr O. C., Schwenn R., Lamy P.,
Simnett G. M., Thompson B., Wang D. Geomagnetic storms
caused by coronal mass ejections (CMEs): March 1996 through
June 1997 // Geophys. Res. Lett. 1998. V. 25. N 15. P. 3019.
St. Cyr O. C., Howard R. A., Sheeley N. R. Jr.,
Plunkett S. P. et al., Properties of coronal mass
ejections: SOHO LASCO observations from January 1996 to
June 1998 // J. Geophys. Res. 2000. V. 105. N A8. P.18169.
Cane, H. V.; Richardson, I. G.; St. Cyr, O. C. The
interplanetary events of January-May, 1997, as inferred
from energetic particle data, and their relationship with
solar events // Geophys. Res. Lett. 1998. V. 25. N. 14. P.
Cane H. V., Richardson I. G., St. Cyr O. C. Coronal
mass ejections, interplanetary ejecta and geomagnetic
storms // Geophys. Res. Lett. 2000. V. 27. N. 21 P. 359.
Gosling J. T., McComas D. J., Phillips J. L., Bame
S. J., Geomagnetic activity associated with earth passage
of interplanetary shock disturbances and coronal mass
ejections // J. Geophys. Res. 1991. V. 96. P. 7831.
Gopalswamy N., Lara A., Lepping R.P. et al.
Interplanetary acceleration of coronal mass ejections //
Geophys.Res.Lett. 2000. V. 27. P.145.
Gopalswamy N., Lara A., Yashiro S., Kaiser M. L.,
Howard R. A., Predicting the 1-AU arrival times of coronal
mass ejections // J. Geophys. Res. 2001. V. 106. N A12.
Richardson, I. G.; Cane, H. V.; Cliver, E. W.
Sources of geomagnetic activity during nearly three solar
cycles (1972.2000) // J. Geophys. Res. 2002. V. 107. N. A8
P. SSH 8-1 to SSH 8-13
Wu C.-C., Lepping R.P., Effects of magnetic clouds
on the occurrence of geomagnetic storms: The first 4 years
of Wind // J. Geophys. Res. 2002. V. 107. N. A10 P. SMP 19-
1 to SMP 19-8.
Lindsay G.M., Luhmann J.G., Russell C.T., Gosling
J.T. Relationship between coronal mass ejection speeds from
coronagraph images and interplanetary characteristics of
associated interplanetary coronal mass ejections//
J.Geophys.Res. 1999. V.104. P.12515.
Plunkett S. P., Thompson B. J., St. Cyr O. C.,
Howard R. A. Solar source regions of coronal mass ejections
and their geomagnetic effects // Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 2001. V. 63. N 5. P. 389-
Berdichevsky D. B., Farrugia C. J., Thompson B. J.,
Lepping R. P., Reames D. V., Kaiser M. L., Steinberg J. T.,
Plunkett S. P., Michels D. J. Halo-coronal mass ejections
near the 23rd solar minimum: lift-off, inner heliosphere,
and in situ (1 AU) signatures // Annales Geophysicae. 2002.
V. 20, N 7. P. 891-916.
Webb D.F., Crooker N.U., Plunkett S.P., St.Cyr
O.C. The solar sources of geoeffective structure, In Space
Weather, AGU Geophys. Monogr. 125, p.123, 2001.
Burlaga L. F., Skoug R. M., Smith C. W., Webb D.
F., Zurbuchen T. H., Reinard A. Fast ejecta during the
ascending phase of solar cycle 23: ACE observations, 1998-
1999 // J. Geophys. Res. 2001. V. 106. N 10. P.20957-
Cane H. V., Richardson I. G. Interplanetary coronal
mass ejections in the near-Earth solar wind during 1996-
2002 // J. Geophys. Res. 2003. V. 108. N A4. P. SSH 6-1,
DOI 10.1029/2002JA009817.
Публикации участников Программы
Ермолаев Ю.И., Застенкер Г.Н., Николаева Н.С.
Реакция магнитосферы Земли на события в солнечном ветре по
данным проекта ИНТЕРБОЛ. // Космич. Исслед. 2000. Т.38. N
6. C.563
Yermolaev Yu.I., Zastenker G.N., Borodkova N.L. et
al. Statistic study of magnetosphere response to magnetic
clouds: INTERBALL multi-satellite observations // Phys.
Chem. Earth (C). 2000. V.25. P.177.
Yermolaev Yu.I., Yermolaev M.Yu. Statistical
relations between solar, interplanetary and geomagnetic
disturbances during 2.3 solar cycles (1976-2000)// ESA SP-
477. 2002. P.579.
Ермолаев Ю.И., Ермолаев М.Ю. О некоторых
статистических взаимосвязях солнечных, межпланетных и
геомагнитосферных возмущений в период 1976-2000 гг. //
Космич. Исслед. 2002. Т.40. N 1. С.1.
Ермолаев Ю.И., Ермолаев М.Ю. О некоторых
статистических взаимосвязях солнечных, межпланетных и
геомагнитосферных возмущений в период 1976-2000 гг. 2.//
Космич. Исслед. 2003. Т.41. N 2. С.115.
Yermolaev Yu. I. Signature of coronal holes and
streamers in the interplanetary space,// Space Sci. Rev.
1994. V.70. P.379.
Петрукович А.А., Климов С. И. Использование
измерений солнечного ветра для анализа и прогноза
геомагнитной активности // Космич.исслед. 2000. Т.38. ? 5.
Yermolaev Yu.I. Large-scale structure of solar wind
and its relationship with solar corona: Prognoz 7
observations. // Planet. Space Sci., 1991. V.39. N 10.
Ермолаев Ю.И. Скорости и температуры протонов и
альфа-частиц в разных типах течений солнечного ветра //
Космич. Исслед. 1995. T.33. N 4. C. 381.